Individual Yoga Teacher Branding
Individual Yoga Teacher Branding and Marketing design setup for $250. Photography & Video production included.

Branding Designer: Logo Portfolio
A smattering of logo design projects for you to browse. Your business deserves to put it’s strongest presence possible into the marketplace. It takes the consistent work of a skilled designer to move your business up into the conscious consumer’s mind. ...
Music Video Director Producer
Affordable Video Production Chicago If you’re looking for professional experience without the expense of a full crew, choose my experience as an solo producer to build your social media & music videos. Storyline is still king. My experience making network...
Marketing Segments
Create a NARROW TEST not a marketing prayer! What I Do Non Profit Messaging Contract Manufacturing Gain insights into sociocultural segmentation factors You can discover this information about your customers by interviewing your loyal customers in person. A great way...
Branded Video Social Media Content
NerdyGirl has excellent: scripting & performance She creates her own performances from her home studio to match themed blog posts. Relying on the jumpcut A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera...
Branding: Children’s Clothing
Clothing An established clothing company launches a sub-brand. Specialty niche Rockin Baby had been selling 4 seasons of children’s clothing in the ‘one to one’ business model and needed a new sub-brand that didn’t carry the 1-2-1...
Branding: Construction Company
Contractor Re-branding Pamela came to me as her partnership had dissolved, and a new business had to be resurected from the ashes. A short meeting to brainstorm a new name, and a few hours of logo design work set the scope for the branding process. Linea Fina...
Adventure Travel TV Solo Producer
Our last flight in Mexico landed us in Ciudad del Carmen a remote oil town on the gulf side of the Yucatan Peninsula. From town we boarded a boat to travel two hours into the Campeche jungle up the Atasta waterways toward the Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de...