Neil is seeking stories of parental alienation

abuse of parental rights by the courts.

Please fill out the contact form to tell us your story if you think it would be good to be included in a documentary presentation.

The goal of the documentary is to explore the path to inner healing, not a social reform perspective.  See links below for effective presentations on social groups.

Practices of meditation, restoration, third way thinking and self healing in the light of this cultural abuse is the intended endpoint focus of the film.

#fathersrights #parentalalienation

11 + 15 =

Sherry Palmer – 10:59 AM

Now that my children have aged out, I am even more driven to changing the family court process. I stay focused on my mission because the most important thing to me is protecting my children from abusive government control. They cannot live happy lives and fulfill their chosen destiny if the government is going to step in suddenly and rip everything they love and care about and have worked for and earned from them if they end up in a failed relationship.

I don’t want my children to fear taking risks, and I don’t want my children to be punished for any flaws that someone sitting in a seat of power doesn’t like.

I want my children to know how to protect themselves from abuse of power. So I spend my time teaching all who wish to learn how to fight this beast so that their children don’t have to. is a self-help site to assist pro se parents and attorneys on How to win equal child custody, equal parenting using the protection of your rights in divorce and modifications for 50/50 parenting. We help you understand the following:

  • how to avoid becoming a victim,
  • how to protect your child from unnecessary government intrusions,
  • how to apply the rule of constitutional law to the family courts,
  • how to fight Court-Induced Parental Alienation™,
  • Court-Induced Violent Crime™,
  • false allegations = domestic abuse, child abuse/neglect,
  • family studies, psychiatric evaluations,
  • Guardian ad Litem (GALS),
  • Amicus, court imposed counseling,
  • supervised visitation,

and other invasions of family privacy, as well as reduce conflict and unnecessary prolonged litigation expense and burdens placed on your relationship with you and your child. You can contact us at:


Divorce CORP

More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined – over $50 billion a year and growing. Through extensive research and interviews with the nation’s top divorce lawyers, mediators, judges, politicians, litigants and journalists, DIVORCE CORP.

American's for Equal Shared Parenting