Hey {$firstName!"there"}! Your card is...
(hover to reveal)
Jack of Clubs
Queen of Clubs
King of Clubs
Ace of Clubs
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
King of Hearts
Ace of Hearts
Jack of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
Ace of Diamonds
Jack of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Spades
Ace of Spades
But wait… there’s more. Check out some additional tidbits we learned about you along the way.
Thanks for playing {$firstName}
We hope {$companyName!"your company"} is ready to make its own magic with SharpSpring!
P.S. Yep, you guessed it. Like the email, this landing page used dynamic content to display info that's uniquely yours. We did it automatically based on what we already knew about you + the pages you just visited.
Notice how you didn’t have to fill out a form or log in? Pretty neat, huh?
Hopefully this quick trick reveals the many ways SharpSpring can help you convert more leads at every stage of the funnel.