Music Video Director Producer

Music Video Director Producer

Affordable Video Production Chicago If you’re looking for professional experience without the expense of a full crew, choose my experience as an solo producer to build your social media & music videos. Storyline is still king. My experience making network...
Marketing Segments

Marketing Segments

Create a NARROW TEST not a marketing prayer!  What I Do Non Profit Messaging Contract Manufacturing Gain insights into sociocultural segmentation factors You can discover this information about your customers by interviewing your loyal customers in person. A great way...
Branding: Construction Company

Branding: Construction Company

 Contractor Re-branding Pamela came to me as her partnership had dissolved, and a new business had to be resurected from the ashes. A short meeting to brainstorm a new name, and a few hours of logo design work set the scope for the branding process. Linea Fina...
Adventure Travel TV Solo Producer

Adventure Travel TV Solo Producer

Our last flight in Mexico landed us in Ciudad del Carmen a remote oil town on the gulf side of the Yucatan Peninsula.  From town we boarded a boat to travel two hours into the Campeche jungle up the Atasta waterways toward the Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de...